
I'm back again on the road

Picture is like from last week I think? I have just been so busy with studying especially with the exams. But now the hard work is over again or I still have examweeks coming but not yet. So I have time to relax again and update my blog.  Just wearing H&M (flower) jeans, Bik Bok top and Ginatricos bonjo?

I had france exam and I really tried my best so let's hope I'll get good result. Love the langauge

After exams I had sometime to just read the bible and listen to Gospel music.

Pear aah my favourite fruit and I always eat alot of fruits when im reading.

And I try to walk on the examsweeks alot to just get fresh air and to get my mind to rest.

Beautiful Finland and winter.

I made some fiesta salad and ate fruits. Till the next time and I got one advice for u! Don't forget to laugh alot because it helps u to get stress away.  

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