
On the ice

My brothers son came to us for visit, last weekend or when was it? Anyways! We had alot of fun and just enjoying the beautiful Finland. I love winter even if its cold but the nature is sooo pretty.  So we went to skate and for a walk with Tuukka. We call him Tuke. Look how adorable he is in the picture<3

Tuke an me just getting ready to go out.

When Im on the ice.. The whole world just disappear and its just me and the ice. Love it

And the rest of the day I spend with my bestfriend Suvi. Missed her. So I was really happy to see her after so long time. She didn't want to be in the picture so I didn't got any pictures of her.


Postikortti maisemassa kun asun

This I have just simple post. I let the pictures talk. Im not going to tell you any deep shit about my life.. just keeping it simple. Enjoy.


Justin Bieber

Change Me

Beliebers we want the old Justin back. Yes he did many mistakes. But he was not himself on that time. Please get facts right before you judge him. He was crying after coming out of the jail that " what about my beliebers, do they still exist?" Or something like that. And I just started crying because I have been belieber for 6 years almost now. Never have doubt that why is my idol Justin Bieber. Because he is human and he is not perfect and nobody is. Thats why he is the perfect idol to me because he is perfect being by not being perfect. You get me? Like he is just like other teenagers (or soon adult). He  believes in God like me and gives us beliebers much through music and twitter. His music is like drug to me but like on the good way. Sometimes I just listen to his music because its the only music that I love. Justin made us believe in our dreams and gave us hope by saying never say never.  He has had so many downs and ups in his life that its not a suprise that this medias pressure was too much and he broke down. Now is our time to give our support to him, because he has given us beliebers so much. He has saved lifes.

I  hope u feel bad now who hated him because, cant u see it now this happens when u hurt someone.
Because of the media,haters, Selena broke up with him and Avalanna is dead. All those things made him depressed. He was all this time wearing hes yellow raincoat just for us beliebers.

Belieber is a lifestyle, promise and more than a fan. U dont really understand it before u exprience it.

I have spoken.


Suomeksi postaus, koska nytten on hätätilanne!

Meidän upea rakas koulumme Hatanpään lukio ollaan EHKÄ aikeissa sulkea, koska Tampereen kaupunki haluaa säästää, mutta minkä takia meidän koulu, joka juuri uudistettiin 2009 vielä. Meidän koulun yhteishenki on sanoinkuvaamaton. Sitä on vaikea selittää ennen kuin sen kokee itse. Itse oli kanssa vähän epävarma kun tulin ekana päivänä kouluun, mutta siitä saakka en ole katunut, että tulin, koska minulla on mahtava luokka. Näemme vapaa-ajalla, kerromme toisillemme huolia ja olemme uniikki luokka. Minulla ei ole koskaa ollut näin hyvää koulua, jossa voit olla omaitsesi ja kaikki ovat mukavia toisilleen. Myös lahjakkuuksia riittää meiän koulussa musiikissa, näyttelijöitä ja paljon muuta. Jos haluatte olla mukana estämässä meidän koulun sulkemista ja pelastaa noin yli 370 oppilaan elämä. Halu on elämäntapa. Paras puoli vuotta on ollut tuossa koulussa ja tulevia vuosia on tulossa lisää. Mehän emme lähde sieltä mihinkään. Me emme sovi muualle olemme halulaisia ei tykkiläisiä tai muita koululaisia. Ei kukaan ymmärtäisi meitä ja tulisimme vaan pilaamaan koulunne tason keskiarvoillamme. Adressi kiitos jo etukäteen. Lisäksi jos haluatte tietää miks Hatanpään lukio olisi paras vaihtoehto lukioksi katso ylös ja nauti videosta ;)


Girls night with U.T.R

On saturday we were having fun with the girls at marleena's place. And here we are preparing the dinner and just listening music and enjoying!


Bloggers life just taking picture all the time and not even touching to the food. haha

It was soo delicious

Marikki on the left and Marleena on the right XD


chicken salad

And yeah she has a swimming pool and yap they are climbing there :D


No make up

Do you have that one day in week when you dont wear make up at all? Because I do and it's sunday. I didn't really like choose the day it just went like that on sundays I don't wear make up, because it's like relaxing day to me.
Now I have been sick for three days, but now Im better. Thank God because we are having sleepover at  Marleena's place today. Kind of like girlsnight. 
I got my last christmas presents ( I guess) yesterday from my cousins. Here are some make ups what I got from them. And also pictures of my hairstyle what I did on wednesday to school.
Mascara by Lumene

mineral powder by Lily Lolo

I don't perfer false lashes that much but maybe I'll learn to like them. flase lashes by Dwroy.

No make up on that day.

I got many compliments about my hairstyle and I was really happy about it too that it came off very well.. maybe on some day I'll be a hairstylist.. no just doing it for fun! Bye for now


confidence is not for sale

True dat.
Saturday I met with my dearest friends really missed them a lot. We had a lot of fun and just made me realize how important they are in my life..we have known each other already from the primary school. And still we are good friends and we keep in touch. True friendship. Actually one of them have started a new  blog too Elina and you must check it out its a pretty cool blog. Love it.

So we went to this hill what is just beside our old school. I love the place because you can see the whole Kangasala from there and just relax your mind. Kangasala is the place were I live.. village I think so?

Yap thats my old school. Not missing at all.. or maybe a little bit

Thats my friend Marleena. She so cute in this picture!

and me again.

and again. This picture is from Marleenas house

Elina is concentrating..

One thing what we love to do! Is to eat! WE always eat when dont know what do or we just eat for no reason. So we were just hanging out in Marleenas place and eating.
After that we went to Iidas place to meet some other friends.. Emilia, Elina were there too and also the worlds cutest dog Waldo<3

Now when I look the picture I dont understand what was going in my head that I was putting that christmas tree to this picture.. well anyways that was my outfit on the first day at schoo. Shirt-H&M,Skirt-H&M, shoes-Andiamo.


Tell me what you liked about the outfit? On the comments. Bye for now