Change Me
Beliebers we want the old Justin back. Yes he did many mistakes. But he was not himself on that time. Please get facts right before you judge him. He was crying after coming out of the jail that " what about my beliebers, do they still exist?" Or something like that. And I just started crying because I have been belieber for 6 years almost now. Never have doubt that why is my idol Justin Bieber. Because he is human and he is not perfect and nobody is. Thats why he is the perfect idol to me because he is perfect being by not being perfect. You get me? Like he is just like other teenagers (or soon adult). He believes in God like me and gives us beliebers much through music and twitter. His music is like drug to me but like on the good way. Sometimes I just listen to his music because its the only music that I love. Justin made us believe in our dreams and gave us hope by saying never say never. He has had so many downs and ups in his life that its not a suprise that this medias pressure was too much and he broke down. Now is our time to give our support to him, because he has given us beliebers so much. He has saved lifes.

I hope u feel bad now who hated him because, cant u see it now this happens when u hurt someone.
Because of the media,haters, Selena broke up with him and Avalanna is dead. All those things made him depressed. He was all this time wearing hes yellow raincoat just for us beliebers.
Belieber is a lifestyle, promise and more than a fan. U dont really understand it before u exprience it.
I have spoken.